Luca Vernocchi Architect

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Shengsi Islands
Shengsi Islands
Shengsi Islands
Shengsi Islands
Shengsi Islands
Shengsi Islands
Shengsi Islands
Shengsi Islands
Shengsi Islands
Shengsi Islands
Shengsi Islands

Shengsi Islands

Shanghai, China - 2012

The archipelago’s current problem of partial dilapidation could be followed by an equally threatening one of rushed, little coordinated and incoherent development, aiming at short-term economic objectives. Such development would damage the archipelagos physical appearance, ecosystem and socio-economic structure irrevocably.

The Eastern Shengsi Islands are equipped with an abundance of qualities, which make a transition into the Tourism sector a promising out-look. However, the islands’ sustained and long lasting success in decades to come will strongly depend on shaping a greater, mutual vision here and now, in which economic, socio-cultural and ecological interests are in balance.

Our Concept Masterplan seeks to formulate this vision and serve as a guideline for future development on the islands of Huanglong, Huaniao, Guoqi and beyond.

General approach: A) Following the Greek philosopher Aristotele’s principle of ‘the whole is greater than the sum of its parts’ we aim to link the islands not only physically but also functionally, economically and managerially. B) The identification of each islands individual strength and authentic character forms the core of a concept, in which each island, village and street has a distinctive role to play within the overall concept. C) Each islands inherent character will be preserved and enhanced by harmonious developments, which serve as anchor projects within the measured transformation. D) Ecological sensitivity will not be regarded as ‘added value’, but as the pulsating heart of the scheme and as the driving engine for the islands future economy.

Action Plan in detail: • Establish unified archipelago management framework to guide, oversee and coordinate development across all islands. • Strengthen inter-island passenger transport connection, e.g. Multiple-daily ferry services. • Promote ecological accommodation association, e.g. Guide to Bed& breakfast establishments, which follow certain sustainable standards. • Cross-promote Tourist attractions throughout the archipelago. • Establish unified archipelago Planning and Design principles to preserve cultural heritage of the Islands. • Define both Natural protection zones and development zones to balance ecological and economical interests. • Develop archipelago recycling system. • Follow principle of densification of existing building fabric to reduce land-use, while increasing accommodation capacities. a) Identification and re-use of un-used existing buildings, b) Identification and development of existing gaps within the building fabric, c) Identification and rebuilding of sub-standard building structures d) Identification and extension of single-storey structures to double or triple storey structures. • Establish public-private joint ventures, in which public space and private developments are being commissioned simultaneously to increase kick-off effect. • Utilize the seasonal variations in activity of the islands in proposing new developments that have a dual-nature; thus avoiding vacancy and dilapidation but promoting the adaptation of buildings, structures and spaces. • Link each anchor project with a number of auxiliary projects in other villages/parts of the island to encourage development throughout.

Shengsi Eastern islands destiny will be decided now. It may follow a path of many other Islands around the world, which discovered Tourism as a way out of their current misery, only to find themselves quickly part of another tragedy, one of loss of identity, natural environment and built history. Or it will be able to see a different future; one in which a group can be stronger than the individual, the old can lead a path to the new and short-term sacrifice can harvest sustained profit.

Team: Luca Vernocchi, Diego Texeira, Artison Wangpraseunt, Regine Kandan